Before start , you try to understand the a Typical Business model as per figure below then you can able to understand the TCA Data Architecture easily.![](
Information Stored
- The HZ_PARTIES stores information about parties such as organizations, people, and groups, including the identifying address information for the party.Several pieces of data, such as the identifying address, organization profile information, and person profile information, are denormalized onto this table for performance reasons.Although a record in the HZ_PARTIES table represents a unique party, multiple parties can have the same name.
- The identifying address contained in the HZ_PARTIES table is denormalized from the HZ_LOCATIONS table.
- Example, It stores the information about Hub Inc. as Party_Relationship, Hub Corp. as Organization and Mike as Person
Information Stored
- The HZ_PERSON_PROFILES stores detail information about people (including demographic information, phonetic name pronunciation, academic/professional titles,
etc.). - Some of the information stored on this table is denormalized to the HZ_PARTIES table.
- Example, It stores complete details about Mike.
Information Stored
- The HZ_ORGANIZATION_PROFILES table stores a variety of information about a party. This table gets populated when a party of the Organization type is created.This table stores credit rating, financial statistics, socio-economic and corporate linkage information for organizations.Each time organization information is changed, the effective end date column for the original record is updated and a new record that contains the updated information is created.Some of the information stored on this table is denormalized to the HZ_PARTIES table.
- Example, it stores complete details about the Hub Corp Organization.
Information Stored
- Hz_Person_Language table stores information about a language spoken by a party of the Person type.
- Example, Mike may speak Spanish as his primary language. You would create another record if he speaks French, but it is not his primary language. Note that a separate record must exist for each language.
Information Stored
- Hz_Relationships table stores information about relationships between one party and another party. The SUBJECT_ID and OBJECT_ID columns specify the relationship that exists between two parties.
Linking Details
- Subject_id is stored in the party id of Hz_Parties when the party type of Hz_Parties is person.
- Object id is stored in party of Hz_Parties when the party type of Hz_Parties is Organization.
The HZ_RELATIONSHIP_TYPES table defines the business rules that are associated with a relationship type. A non-directional relationship type consists of a single record with the same forward (FORWARD_REL_CODE) and backward (BACKWARD_REL_CODE) relationship codes. A directional relationship type consists of two records: one for the parent (DIRECTION_CODE is P) and the other for a child (DIRECTION_CODE is C) of that parent. Forward and backward relationship codes are validated against the PARTY_RELATIONS_TYPE lookup type.
Information Stored
- Hz_Party_Relationships table stores parent – child information and the relationship between them.
- Example, It stores information about the Hub Inc with the subject as John and Object as Hub Corp and relationship as Employee of.
Linking Details
- Subject_id is stored in the party id of Hz_Parties when the party type of Hz_Parties is person.
- Object id is stored in party of Hz_Parties when the party type of Hz_Parties is Organization.
Information Stored
- Hz_Org_Contacts table stores information about the position of the contact for a party or party site. The records in this table provide information about a contact position such as JOB_TITLE,DEPARTMENT_CODE and general contact information.
- This table is not used to store information about a specific person or organization, such as name and identification codes, that information in stored in the HZ_PARTIES table.
- Example, this table may include a record for the position of vice president of manufacturing that indicates that the contact is a senior
Linking Details
- HZ_RELATIONSHIPS is the ‘parent table’ to HZ_ORG_CONTACTS (i.e. 1-to-Many) but there is a Many to-1 relationship enforced in the API. That is, inserting a row into HZ_ORG_CONTACTS will insert two rows into HZ_RELATIONSHIPS table One row is inserted for the relationship and another one for the reciprocal relationship.
- Example “Mike Employee of Hub Corp.” and “Hub Corp. Employer of Mike”.
Information Stored
- Hz_Org_Contact_Roles stores information about the role of the contact position that is specified in the Hz_Org_Contacts table. Contacts may have multiple roles.
- Example an employee may have a role a Manager, Assistant etc
Information Stored
- Hz_Party_Sites table stores location specific party information. One party can Optionally have one or more party sites.
- Example, It stores SFO and LA as sites for the party Hub Corp..
Information Stored
- Hz_Party_Site_Uses table stores information about how a party site is used.
- Party sites can have multiple uses for example, Bill to and Ship to uses.
Hz_Locations :
Information Stored
The HZ_LOCATIONS table stores information about a delivery or postal address such as building number, street address, postal code, and directions to a location. This table provides physical location information about parties (organizations and people) and customer accounts. Records in the HZ_LOCATIONS table can store delivery and postal information about a location through columns such as the LOCATION_DIRECTIONS, POST_OFFICE,
and TIME_ZONE columns. You can also use the HZ_LOCATIONS table to store latitude and longitude information. Data in the HZ_LOCATIONS table is also used to determine the appropriate tax authority and tax rates for sales tax and VAT calculations
and TIME_ZONE columns. You can also use the HZ_LOCATIONS table to store latitude and longitude information. Data in the HZ_LOCATIONS table is also used to determine the appropriate tax authority and tax rates for sales tax and VAT calculations
Information Stored
- Hz_Loc_Assignments table stores information about the relationship between a location defined in the HZ_LOCATIONS table and a tax
authority defined in the AR_LOCATION_COMBINATIONS table. - The appropriate sales tax can be calculated when you assign a location to a tax authority.
- In a multi–org environment, a record is created for each organization at the location.
Information Stored
- The HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table stores information about customer relationships established with a party. Since a party can have multiple customer accounts, this table may contain several records for a single party. For example, an individual person may establish a personal account, a family account, and a professional account for a consulting practice. Note that the focus of this table is a business relationship and how transactions are conducted in the relationship.
- Example, When Hub Corp or Mike becomes the customer, and then their account information is stored in this table.
Information Stored
- Hz_Cust_Acct_Relate_All stores information about relationships between customer accounts.
- A flag allows you to indicate whether a relationship is reciprocal.
Linking Details
Information Stored
- Hz_Cust_Account_Roles table stores information about a role or function that a party performs in relation to a customer account. Note that only Parties of type Relationship should be inserted into this table.
- Example, Jack is an employee of Hub Corp. Jack might be a legal contact forHub Corp. So the role type is Contact.
Information Stored
- Hz_Role_Responsibility table stores information about the required or expected activities of a party based on the party’s role or function in relation to a customer account.
- Example, Jack might be the first contact for Hub Corp. So the responsibility type is First Contact.
Information Stored
- Hz_Cust_Acct_Sites_All table stores information about customer account sites or locations for customer accounts. One customer account can have multiple sites or locations
Linking Details
- Address information for a site is stored in Hz_Locations table. But it is linked via Hz_Party_Sites table.
Information Stored
- Hz_Cust_Site_Uses_All table stores information about the business purposes assigned to a customer account site.
- Example, Bill to and Ship to uses.
Information Stored
- Hz_Customer_Profiles table stores information about the credit characteristics of a single customer account.
Information Stored
- Hz_Cust_Profile_Amts table stores information about the credit limits specified for a customer profile class for a single currency.
- The credit limits of the profile class can then be assigned to specific customer accounts or customer account sites.
Information Stored
- Hz_Cust_Profile_Classes table stores information about credit characteristics those are common across a group of customer accounts.
- Example, you can create a profile class called Trade and can specify several attributes that describe this class of customer. In the future, you can assign new customers to this class so that the new customer inherits the characteristics of the class.
Information Stored
- Hz_Contact_Points table stores information about how to communicate to parties or party sites using electronic media or methods such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), e-mail, telephone, telex, and the Internet.
- Example, telephone related data can include the type of telephone line,a touch-tone indicator, a country code, the area code, the telephone number, and an extension number to a specific handset.
- NOTE: Each media or method should be stored as a separate record in this table.with Hz_Parties via Hz_Relationships.
- If the party type is Person,then Hz_Contact_Points can be directly linked with Hz_Parties
Linking Details
- If the party type is Organization, then Hz_Contact_Points is linked here.
Information Stored
- Hz_Contact_Restrictions table stores information about limitations on when and how parties should be contacted or why no contact should be made with the party.
- Example, a customer contact that is on vacation for several weeks may request that no faxes be sent during a specific time period.
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